November 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 2024 – Max Simms Camp, Bishop Falls: A Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat

Join us at Lucy’s Retreat at Max Simms Camp.
1) Get a Quick start to a new way of looking at People, Places, and Events of Life,
2) Put a Healthy Focus on Yourself
3) Learn to Let Go of that which no longer serves you and
4) Come away with us and Pause, Ponder, and be Pampered.

Your fee covers two nights’ accommodations, six meals, four workshops and evening programs with keynote speakers. Individually these services would cost over $700.00. Your cost is 475.00 (taxes included). Some Financial assistance is available for those on a limited income (single parents and students). You can pay $100.00 now to hold your space and pay the remainder by Oct 7, 2024. I will pair you up if you are registering single and would like a partner for your room. Some single rooms are available for additional $75.00.

Register for two retreats and take 50.00 off the cost of the second retreat.

Our Awesome Facilitators!

Joanne Best, B.A., B. Ed  is a teacher, Reiki Master, Shamanic Practitioner, Drum Circle facilitator, Crystal Therapist and creator of Earth & Sky Wellness. She has a deep interest in the frame drum, drum journeying , and in incorporating drumming, sacred chant, and crystals in her energy healing work. Joanne has facilitated wellness workshops, sacred ceremony, drum circles, and private healing sessions for many years. Her latest studies have been in the use of Shamanic Drum Journeying, Bach Flower Remedies and Aromatherapy to restore health and happiness. Joanne has a deep commitment to her spiritual journey and to helping others on their path to wellness.

Sharon Evans, CHSEP, founder and owner of SEVA Meditation. A business built on passion and based on research, well-being, and humanitarianism. An accredited meditation expert and business professional with over 30 years in the educational and corporate world. Sharon trained in Transcendental Meditation from the Maharishi Institute and is a certified Primordial Sound Meditation Instructor from the Chopra Centre University, Carlsbad, CA. Sharon continues to train and enhance her skills and has most recently completed The Inner Engineering Course, ISHA Sadhguru Organization and completed The Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya, ISHA Sadhguru Organization. June, 2023 successfully became an accredited Chakradance Facilitator. Trained in Movement Therapy Modality, Chakradance, Chakradance’s roots in movement therapy and Jungian psychology. Sharon is a confident leader guiding others on their healing journey. For more information, visit:

Margie Mulcahay BA, BA (ED), MA, http, EEM-CP (Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner). Margie brings a background in education, community service, and spirituality to her Energy Medicine Practice. Her certifications include Grief Recovery, Adult Learning, Healing Touch, Reiki, and Eden Energy Medicine. She believes that working with our energy (life force) helps us create, evolve, and live more peaceful, joyful, and expansive lives. Her energy work with allergies has been submitted to the scientific journal Work for publication in 2024. She is thrilled about this and looks forward to teaching these techniques in the future.

Alison Normore, Ph.D. is an Ancestral Wisdomkeeper, Author, Certified Forest Therapy Guide, Master Teacher and Human Potential Visionary with a passion for ancient wisdom traditions that restore health and happiness, and a gift for empowering healers and leaders to create joyful, purposeful lives. For more information on Life Coaching, Full Moon Circles, Shamanic Retreats and Journeys, and her new book Return to Pangaea, visit

Lucy O’Driscoll M.Sc., B.Ed has been offering retreats for over 20 years. She has Certification in Crystal Therapy, Moonology and is a Certified Angel Guide. She has a Masters in Outdoor Education and a Bachelor of Education specializing in Adult Education.


Harnessing The Power of the Chakras (Margie)
The chakras are like the book or the “song” of your life. An imprint of every important or emotionally significant event you have ever experienced is recorded in your chakras. What does this mean? It means if you could do just ONE THNG energetically, and you wanted the biggest impact, work with your chakras. They are one of the most powerful and influential energy systems in the body. As a graduate of Donna Eden, I bring her unique perspective on clearing and balancing chakras to this session. You will leave this session with chakra techniques to support your life.

Living and Dreaming from the Heart in the Age of Aquarius (Alison)
We are in the midst of a pivotal time in Earth’s history, foretold by the Ancients, when humanity would be able to create a more just and humanitarian world for all. In this session you will learn how to shift from 3rd to 5th dimensional consciousness through the power and intelligence of your heart. Living and dreaming from the heart is about becoming more open and connected to all life, more creative and
intuitive, which accelerates our personal and collective evolution. Together we will practice activating and strengthening the field of our hearts and accessing its native intelligence and connection to Source. This knowledge is contagious, so it’s guaranteed to transform our lives and the world!

Navigating the Flow of Our Emotions (Margie)
We will learn gentle movements and breathing practices to help us manage the ebb and flow of our emotions. Through observation of the cyclic nature of the seasons and the five elements of water, wood, fire, earth, and metal the ancient Chinese crafted THE FIVE RHYTHMS theory. They were seeking to create order out of chaos while bringing harmony and
balance to all areas of life. This model used the symbol of the star to teach techniques to restore energetic emotional imbalances. Working with THE FIVE RHYTHMS will be fun learning and will light the way for more ease and compassion as we navigate the flow of our emotions.

The Wisdom of the Enneagram (Lucy)
There are nine distinct personality types, nine different perspectives on life and nine ways of being in the world. We all have pieces of the whole nine but are dominant in a few. These are the patterns that shape our lives, explaining why we do the things we do, why we think the way we think. What number(s) are you? Join me in this workshop and learn more of why you do the things you do. Understanding our patterns, can change our lives.

Therapy is A Walk in the Woods (Alison)
Join Alison, a certified Forest Therapy Guide, for a walk along the Exploits River. With no specific destination in mind, we will wander, explore and immerse ourselves in nature for 2-l/2 hours, allowing our senses to guide us. Forest Therapy is a mindful, healing and connective practice inspired by the Japanese practice of Shinrin-Yoku” which translates into “forest bathing”. Spending time in nature strengthens our immune system, reduces stress, and makes us more creative, mindful and happier. A win-win! This time in nature is for anyone who wants to de-stress, slow down, relax and rejuvenate body,mind and spirit. We will be outside no matter the weather, so come prepared with warm and
water-resistant clothing so you can enjoy the outdoors in comfort.

Intro to Chakradance (Sharon)
Movement is the language of deep transformation. Consider this your divine invitation to use a fusion of Jungian psychology, dance, chakra infused resonant music, guided meditation, and mandala art as an elixir for your Body, Mind and Soul. Chakradance gently unravels buried feelings, unresolved memories, unconscious inherited beliefs, all of which we hold in our bodies and in our energy centers. This blocked energy becomes the tension in our bodies, the illnesses we develop and the negative patterns we keep repeating in our lives. Balancing your chakras will change your life.

Raise your Vibration with Crystals and Sound (Joanne)
Learn and experience how to use crystals and Sound Therapy (drumming, tuning forks, singing bowls, and  the voice)  to clear, balance, awaken and
strengthen your Life Force energy. Experience a powerful Drum Journey to connect with guides and your inner knowing.

Everything Meditative (Sharon)
Let’s Stop, pause, and embrace everything Meditative…We will learn about the benefits of meditation, the energies of the chakras and a breathing technique to keep in your wellness toolkit. There will be lots of time for discussion, Q & A, and a very relaxing closing guided meditation.

Bonus Sessions:

Sacred Fire Ceremony With Alison
⦁ Drumming Circle with Joanne
⦁ Early morning meditations to start your day

Registration Form

Max Simms, November 1-3, 2024: A Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat
Registration Form

    Name (required)

    Email (required)


    Postal Code

    Daytime Phone

    Evening Phone

    Date of Birth

    Instructions: Please select your session in priority as space is limited in each session.

    Session One, Friday 6:30 – 9:00 p.m.

    Harnessing the Power of the Chakras (Margie)
    Living and Dreaming from the Heart in the Age of Aquarius (Alison)

    Session Two, Saturday 9:00am – 11:30am

    Navigating the Flow of Our Emotions (Margie)
    The Wisdom of the Enneagram (Lucy)

    Session Three, Saturday 1:30 – 4:00

    Therapy is a Walk in the Woods (Alison)
    Intro to Chakradance (Sharon)

    Session Four, Sunday 9:00am – 11:30am

    Raise Your Vibration with Crystals and Sound (Joanne).
    Everything Meditative (Sharon)

    Overall, my top two choices I really hope to get are

    This Program will fill quickly, so register early! Send completed registration and cheque, money order or e-transfer to: . Lucy O’Driscoll, 115 Tuckers Hill Road, St. Philips, NL. A1M 1N4.

    If you don’t want to pay the full registration now, you can send $100.00 to hold your place and send the remainder by October 7h, 2024. You can also complete the registration online at my website: . No registration will be accepted without partial or full payment. If you cancel by October 7th, you will receive a full refund. After that date, a $50.00 processing fee will be deducted from your refund. If you cancel within 7 days of the retreat, you forfeit your full payment.

    Waiver of Release of Liability

    For Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat, November 1-3, 2024

    I acknowledge and fully understand that as a participant in the Body, Mind and Spirit Retreat, November 1-3, 2024.
    I will be engaging in a program that involves physical and emotional activity and specialized equipment. I fully understand that in such a setting accident may happen and I hold blameless the organizers, equipment, property owners or others either taking part in the activity or instructing at the time.

    In understanding that there is some risk to any activity of this type, I accept personal responsibility for any and all physical and emotional damage that may result from accident, injury or disability however caused. In this understanding, I release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Lucy O’Driscoll, Lucy’s volunteers or employees or other participants.

    I take full responsibility for any demands placed upon me, losses or damages on account of injury caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of anyone, including the organization, involved or otherwise.

    Signature (Please Type Your Name):

    Date Signed:

    I have read the above waiver and I voluntarily agree to the terms of this waiver by signing and dating this waiver. With my signature affixed hereto and dated, I accept full responsibility for taking part in this event and agree that Lucy O’Driscoll, Lucy’s volunteers, or employees or other participants will not be held liable.

    For our information:

    Who should we notify if there is an emergency involving you?

    Phone number of that person during the retreat:

    If you have any medical conditions, allergies, special needs, or special dietary needs which our staff should be aware of, please explain:

    I am a medical doctor or nurse and am willing to assist if a medical emergency arises:

    My Roomate is:

    Please prove you are human by selecting the Star.